Most of the students are unknown about the marks requirement in your SEE and 11-12 Exams to attend the entrance exams and study BSc Ag, Vet, Forestry in AFU Colleges. The Requirements are described below:-
1. Minimum 50 Percentage in Percentage System,
2. Minimum C Grade in each and every individual subject with the sum of both Theory and Practical,
(If you have a lower grade than C like as D plus or D in Theory but you have C Grade in the sum of Theory and Practical then you are able to fill the form),
3. Overall Aggregate in Transcript must be C+ Grade,
4. Students studying Maths or Biology in class 11 and not studying these subjects in Class 12 can apply. One year study of Maths and Biology is enough to fill the form,
5. For subjects without Practical marks like Maths, you must obtain a C in the Written exam. If you have D or D Plus in Maths in Class 11, you can't apply.
Class 12 math result doesn't matter, whatever marks or grade you have obtained or if you have studied or not.
6. Minimum C+ Grade in SEE.
If the form is filled without eligibility, the form will be disqualified and the student is not able to attend the entrance exam.
(Click in the photo for details!)
SEE वा सो सरहको परीक्षामा कम्तीमा द्धितीय श्रेणी वा 'C'+ Grade मा उत्तीर्ण भई I. Sc. वा १०+२ विज्ञान, कृषि /पशु विज्ञान विषयमा प्राविधिक तह वा सो सरहको तहमा कम्तीमा १०० पूर्णाङ्कको अंग्रेजी, केमेष्ट्री, वायोलोजीमा कम्तीमा ५० पूर्णाङ्कको गणित र फिजिक्स विषय अध्ययन गरी कुल प्राप्ताङ्कको कम्तीमा ५०% अङ्क वा माथि उल्लेखित प्रत्येक विषयमा 'C' Grade का साथै कूल प्राप्ताङ्कमा 'C' + Grade प्राप्त गरी उत्तीर्ण भएको हुनुपर्नेछ । Theory र Practical दुवै भएको विषयको हकमा एकमुष्ट कम्तीमा 'C' Grade हुनुपर्नेछ।
- Syllabus for BSc Ag, Vet, Forestry Entrance Exam of AFU, TU and Far-Western University
- Entrance Exam Notices and Results
- Past Year Question Papers
- Model Question PDF File Collections
- Entrance Exam Notes Collections
- Online Lesson Wise MCQs
- Online Model Exams
- Details About UGC Scholarships in AFU
- Quota Documents Sample Photo