These are some memory Based Questions of BSc AG AFU 2076, Some options may be modified. These Questions are very very important for AFU BSc Ag 2077 Entrance Exam.
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1. Osmoregulation occurs in Paramecium through
A. Food vacuoleB. Mitochondria
C. Nucleus
D. Contractile vacuole
Answer : D
Osmoregulation is the maintenance of constant osmotic pressure in the fluids of an organism by the control of water and salt concentration. In Amoeba and paramecium, the osmoregulation occurs through Contractile vacuole. The function of a contractile vacuole in protozoan is to expel out excess water via diffusion. “Osmoregulation is the process by which an organism regulates the water and electrolytic balance in its body to maintain homeostasis."2. Forest of nephridia are present in the
A. Pharyngeal regionB. Clitellar region
C. Anal region
D. None of the above
Answer : B
The excretory organs are not well developed in the lower organism. The annelids have nephridia as major excretory organs. Nephridia are the excretory organs of earthworm, which are of three types, namely, septal, integumentary and pharyngeal. Integumentary nephridia lie scattered in the body wall of each segment, except the first two. There are 200-250 nephridia in each segment but on clitellum, their number increases to 2000-2500 per segment, which is called the forest of nephridia. These nephridia lack nephrostomes and their terminal ducts open on the body surface. In Earthworm each segment of the body from 7th to the last segment, numerous nephridia are found attached inside the lining of the body wall. These are called integumentary nephridia which are about 200-250 in each segment except the segment of the clitellar region where the number 2,000-2,500 in each segment.
These nephridia are small-sized, without nephrostome and without any opening into the coelom. Therefore this region of Earthworm is a forest of nephridia.
3. ______ represents connecting link between amphibians and reptiles.
A. SeymouriaB. Archaeopteryx
C. Ichthyostegia
D. Archaeornis
Answer : A
Many extinct species had biological characteristics of two or more biological species during evolution. Such types of species are connecting links.Similarly, Seymouria is also an extinct species which is connecting link between amphibians and reptiles. As Seymouria's head structure was similar to amphibians but the body structure was similar to reptiles.
Lungfish Protopterus is the connecting link between fishes and amphibians.
Latimeria is the connecting link between fishes and amphibians, but a non-living fossil.
Seymouria and Sphenodon is the connecting link between amphibian and reptile.
Seymouria and Sphenodon is the connecting link between amphibian and reptile.
4. Cockroach is
A. UricotelicB. Ureotelic
C. Ammonotelic
D. Both B and C
Answer : A
In Cockroach, the excretion is performed by fine hair like, yellow coloured tubules called Malphigian tubules. The ciliated brush bordered cells of the tubules absorb nitrogenous waste products from haemolymph present in the form of soluble potassium urate. In the lumen of the malphigian tubules, it is converted to uric acid and is discharged as faeces from hind gut. Hence, cockroach is uricotelic.5. The highest cranial capacity is/was present in
A. Java manB. Peking man
C. Handy man
D. Modern man
Answer : D
The cranial capacity of Java man (Homo erectus) is 900 c.c.
The cranial capacity of peking man (Homo erectus pekinesis) is 1075 c.c.
The cranial capacity of handy man (Homo habilis) is 700 c.c.
The cranial capacity of modern man (Homo sapiens) is 1400 - 1450 c.c.
The cranial capacity of peking man (Homo erectus pekinesis) is 1075 c.c.
The cranial capacity of handy man (Homo habilis) is 700 c.c.
The cranial capacity of modern man (Homo sapiens) is 1400 - 1450 c.c.
6. Organs of locomotion in Echinodermata are
A. ParapodiaB. Pseudopodia
C. Feet
D. Tube feet
Answer : D
A) Parapodia are used by Nereis (aquatic annelid) to locomote.
B) Pseudopodia are used for locomotion by Amoeba.
C) Feet are used by members of Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia to locomote.
D) Tube feet are used by members of Echinodermata to locomote.
Ambulacral system is the water-vascular system of echinoderms.
The water vascular system is a hydraulic system used by echinoderms, such as sea stars and sea urchins, for locomotion, food and waste transportation, and respiration.
The system is composed of canals connecting numerous tube feet. Echinoderms move by alternately contracting muscles that force water into the tube feet, causing them to extend and push against the ground, then relaxing to allow the feet to retract.
B) Pseudopodia are used for locomotion by Amoeba.
C) Feet are used by members of Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia to locomote.
D) Tube feet are used by members of Echinodermata to locomote.
Ambulacral system is the water-vascular system of echinoderms.
The water vascular system is a hydraulic system used by echinoderms, such as sea stars and sea urchins, for locomotion, food and waste transportation, and respiration.
The system is composed of canals connecting numerous tube feet. Echinoderms move by alternately contracting muscles that force water into the tube feet, causing them to extend and push against the ground, then relaxing to allow the feet to retract.
7. What are respiratory organs of Molluscs?
A. Gills or ctenidiaB. Mantle cavity
C. Pulmonary sac
D. All of the above
Answer : D
Molluscs are the animals with the soft body and covered with the hard calcareous shell as the exoskeleton. They are mostly aquatic. This shell is secreted by a thin sheet of tissue called as a mantle, which encloses the internal organs. Within the mantle cavity hang the gills which are used to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in respiration. In certain bivalves, gills are used for respiration as well as for filter feeding. Pulmonary sac or cavity is an organ of aerial respiration and is found in land molluscs.
8. Alimentary canal is absent in
A. Taenia and SchistosomaB. Ascaris and Fasciola
C. Taenia and Echinococcus
D. Tricuris and Fasciola
Answer : C
The alimentary canal is absent in Taenia and the mode of nutrition is saprozoic. Digested food is absorbed directly from the host intestine through its general body surface. Echinococcus does not have the alimentary canal and they absorbs the nutrients from the host intestine. So, the correct answer is 'Taenia and Echinococcus'.9. Canal system is a characteristic of
A. Hydra
B. Sycon
C. Adamsia
D. Echinus
10. Hydra belongs to class
A. Scyphozoa
B. Hydrozoa
C. Actinozoa
D. Cnidaria
Four-chambered hearts can be found in birds too.
Homeothermy or ability to maintain body temperature is shown by both mammals and birds.
Rib cages are found in a lot of animals other than mammals like birds, reptiles, etc.
So the correct answer is 'Presence of Diaphragm'.
B. Archenteron
C. Coelom
D. Pseudocoel
Archenteron is the cavity within an embryo at the gastrula stage of development, which eventually becomes the digestive cavity.
The coelom is the body cavity which is lined by epithelium-derived from mesoderm.
Pseudocoel is a body cavity, that is not a product of gastrulation and is not lined with a well-defined mesodermal membrane.
B. Bundle of His
C. Purkinje fibres
D. AV node
B. Lung
C. Kidney
D. Spleen
B. Upper jaw
C. Both jaws
D. None of the jaws
Answer : B
16. Three kingdom system was proposed by
A. Haeckel
B. Whittaker
C. Aristotle
D. Mayer
17. Bicollateral vascular bundles are found in
A. Helianthus
B. Zea mays
C. Cucurbita
D. Dracaena
B. thymine
C. cytosine
D. uracil
Adenine, Guanine, Hypoxanthine, Xanthine
Uracil, Thymine, Cytosine, Orotic acid
Cytosine is termed in both RNA and DNA. Uracil is found only in RNA. Thymine is normally found in DNA. Therefore, in the given options only guanine is purine base. So it is present in RNA.
B. Plastoquinone
C. Cyt b
D. Plastocyanin
Answer : D
B. Rhozobium
C. Cuscuta
D. Lichens
Answer : C
B. Apoenzyme
C. Holoenzyme
D. Zymogen
The cofactor is a nonprotein part of the enzyme. It can be metal ions or the organic chemical. The cofactors which are organic chemicals are known as the coenzyme. These are loosely attached to the apoenzyme. The tightly bound coenzymes are the prosthetic group.
A. Hydra
B. Sycon
C. Adamsia
D. Echinus
Answer : B
Phylum Porifera includes primitive multicellular animals and has cellular level of organisation. They are commonly known as sponges and have a water canal system. Sycon is a sponge. Hydra and Adamsia are coelenterates while Echinus is an echinoderm animal.10. Hydra belongs to class
A. Scyphozoa
B. Hydrozoa
C. Actinozoa
D. Cnidaria
Answer : B
Hydra are a genus of small, fresh-water organisms that are classified under the phylum Cnidaria. In addition to being related to such organisms as jellyfish, they are characterized by their tiny, tube-shaped bodies that contain several tentacles on one end. While several species have been identified, two of the most distinctive species include h. oligactis which is brown in color and hydra viridissima which is green in color (green hydra). The green coloration of h. viridissima is due to the presence of zoochlorellae, an algae that lives in symbiosis with the hydra.11. Unique feature of mammalian body is the presence of
A. Four chambered heart
B. Presence of diaphragm
C. Homeothermy
D. Rib cage
A. Four chambered heart
B. Presence of diaphragm
C. Homeothermy
D. Rib cage
Answer : B
The diaphragm is only present in mammals.Four-chambered hearts can be found in birds too.
Homeothermy or ability to maintain body temperature is shown by both mammals and birds.
Rib cages are found in a lot of animals other than mammals like birds, reptiles, etc.
So the correct answer is 'Presence of Diaphragm'.
12. The cavity, which formed during gastrulation is named as
A. BlastocoelB. Archenteron
C. Coelom
D. Pseudocoel
Answer : B
Blastocoel is the fluid-filled central region in blastula.Archenteron is the cavity within an embryo at the gastrula stage of development, which eventually becomes the digestive cavity.
The coelom is the body cavity which is lined by epithelium-derived from mesoderm.
Pseudocoel is a body cavity, that is not a product of gastrulation and is not lined with a well-defined mesodermal membrane.
13. Which of the following component of conducting system of heart has maximum conduction velocity?
A. SA nodeB. Bundle of His
C. Purkinje fibres
D. AV node
Answer : A
14. Chloragogen cells of earthworm are similar to ----- of vertebrate's.
A. LiverB. Lung
C. Kidney
D. Spleen
Answer : A
Chloragogen cells in annelids function similarly to the liver in vertebrates. The cells store glycogen and neutralize toxins, are yellowish in colour due to the presence of yellow granules, called as chloragosomes and are present in coelomic fluid of some annelids. Chloragogen cells store glycogen and neutralize toxins, are yellowish in colour due to the presence of yellow granules called chloragosomes and are present in the coelomic fluid of some annelids. It is similar to the liver of a vertebrate. They take part in the deamination of amino acids and synthesis of urea. Silicates taken in along with food are deposited in the chloragogen cells.15. In Frog, teeth occur over
A. Lower jawB. Upper jaw
C. Both jaws
D. None of the jaws
Answer : B
The teeth are absent on the lower jaw while the upper jaw bears similar small, backwardly directed conical teeth known as maxillary teeth. In addition, there are present two patches of vomerine teeth one on each vomer bone, near the internal naris. Frogs do not have external ears i.e. pinnae but they have middle and inner ear that help them in hearing. They do have eardrums that vibrate in response to sound.
Frogs do have eyes and have 3 eyelids.
Frogs have jaw and also have small, coned teeth (though not all frogs have teeth but some species are carnivorous and have sharp teeth.
Frogs have 4 digits (or fingers) in hand and 5 on feet.
Pinnae are the visible part of the ear that resides outside of the head; though that have middle ear called tympanic cavity and internal ear.
Frogs do have eyes and have 3 eyelids.
Frogs have jaw and also have small, coned teeth (though not all frogs have teeth but some species are carnivorous and have sharp teeth.
Frogs have 4 digits (or fingers) in hand and 5 on feet.
Pinnae are the visible part of the ear that resides outside of the head; though that have middle ear called tympanic cavity and internal ear.
A. Haeckel
B. Whittaker
C. Aristotle
D. Mayer
Answer : A
In 1860s, the German investigator Ernst Haeckel proposed a three-kingdom system of classification. Haeckel's three kingdoms were Animalia, Plantae, and Protista. This system was developed by Haeckel to overcome the drawback of the two kingdom classification proposed by Linnaeus. 4 Kingdom system was given by Copeland and 5 kingdom by Whittaker.A. Helianthus
B. Zea mays
C. Cucurbita
D. Dracaena
Answer : C
Bicollateral vascular bundles are a type of conjoint vascular bundle with the xylem situated in the inner strand of the phloem and are present in the stem. These are seen in the stems of the Cucurbitaceae family, for example, the Cucurbita. The Cucurbitaceae family consists of herbaceous climbing and trailing plants. The species are annual or perennial herbs. The vascular bundles in which phloem is found on both sides of xylem is called as bicollateral. Phloem occurs above (external to) the metaxylem and also below (internal to) the protoxylem elements in this type of bundle in stems. This type of vascular bundles are found in plants of familiy Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae etc.
Collateral vascular bundles are present in plants of Malvaceae and Poaceae.
Concentric amphivasal vascular bundles are present in plants of Liliaceae.
Collateral vascular bundles are present in plants of Malvaceae and Poaceae.
Concentric amphivasal vascular bundles are present in plants of Liliaceae.
18. The purine base present in RNA is:
A. guanineB. thymine
C. cytosine
D. uracil
Answer : A
There are 4 purines and 4 pyrimidines that are of concern to us.Purines:
Adenine, Guanine, Hypoxanthine, Xanthine
Uracil, Thymine, Cytosine, Orotic acid
Cytosine is termed in both RNA and DNA. Uracil is found only in RNA. Thymine is normally found in DNA. Therefore, in the given options only guanine is purine base. So it is present in RNA.
19. Final electron acceptor of PS II is
A. PhaeophytinB. Plastoquinone
C. Cyt b
D. Plastocyanin
Answer : D
A) Phaeophytin is the primary electron acceptor of PS II.
B) Plastoquinone is one of the intermediate electron acceptors associated with Photosystem II.
C) Cytochrome b functions as part of the electron transport chain.
D) Plastocyanin is a copper-containing protein involved in electron-transfer. It is the final electron acceptor in PS II.
B) Plastoquinone is one of the intermediate electron acceptors associated with Photosystem II.
C) Cytochrome b functions as part of the electron transport chain.
D) Plastocyanin is a copper-containing protein involved in electron-transfer. It is the final electron acceptor in PS II.
20. Sulphur shower is a phenomenon related to
A. Pine trees
B. Cycas
C. Gnetum
D. Sequoia
Answer : A
As the pollen cones mature, they discharge large quantities of pollen grains into the air and it appears as a yellow cloud of yellow of winged pollen grains. This is called Sulphur Shower and occurs during spring. Pollen grains are released and carried by wind to the female cones. So the correct option is 'Pine trees'.21. Which of the following is C4 plant?
A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Maize
D. Cactus
Answer : C
The C4 photosynthesis is an adaptation of the C3 pathway, that overcomes the limitation of the photorespiration, improving photosynthetic efficiency and minimizing the water loss in hot, dry environments. Generally, C4 species originate from warmer climates than C3 species. Most C4 plants are native to the tropics and warm temperate zones with high light intensity and high temperature. Under these conditions, C4 plants exhibit higher photosynthetic and growth rates due to gains in the water, carbon and nitrogen efficiency uses. Some of the worlds most productive crops and pasture, such as maize, sugar cane, sorghum, amaranth, paspalus, bermuda grass are C4 plants. It is interesting that Atriplex rosea shows Hatch Slack cycle, whereas Atriplex hastata shows Calvin cycle. A C4 plant is a plant that cycles carbon dioxide into four-carbon sugar compounds to enter into the Calvin cycle. These plants are very efficient in hot, dry climates and make a lot of energy. Many foods we eat are C4 plants, like maize, pineapple, and sugarcane.22. Which one of the following is a total parasite ?
A. NepenthesB. Rhozobium
C. Cuscuta
D. Lichens
Answer : C
A. Nepenthes - It is an insectivorous plant.
B. Rhizobium - Rod shaped, aerobic, Nitrogen fixing bacterium.
C. Cuscuta - complete stem parasite.
D. Lichens - Special type of plants formed by the association of algae and fungi.
B. Rhizobium - Rod shaped, aerobic, Nitrogen fixing bacterium.
C. Cuscuta - complete stem parasite.
D. Lichens - Special type of plants formed by the association of algae and fungi.
23. The protein part of enzyme is
A. Prosthetic groupB. Apoenzyme
C. Holoenzyme
D. Zymogen
Answer : B
Enzymes are proteins which help to catalyze the biochemical reaction. The enzyme has a protein part which is not active is known as apoenzyme. It gets activated by the addition of an organic or inorganic cofactor. The holoenzyme is defined as apoenzyme in combination with the cofactor. The cofactor is a nonprotein part of the enzyme. It can be metal ions or the organic chemical. The cofactors which are organic chemicals are known as the coenzyme. These are loosely attached to the apoenzyme. The tightly bound coenzymes are the prosthetic group.






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24. The no of gold medal won by Nepal in 13th SAG is
a. 51
b. 49
c. 55
d. 59
a. 51
b. 49
c. 55
d. 59
Answer : A
Nepal finished second in the medals tally of the 13th SAG following India. In the event, Nepal bagged a total of 206 medals including 51 gold, 60 silver and 95 bronze medals. India stood first with 312 medals including 174 gold, 93 silver and 45 bronze medals.A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer : C
The National flag of Nepal has three colors; crimson red, white and blue. In the two pennants, the color is crimson red, which is also the national color of Nepal and the color of the national flower, the rhododendron.A. Cabbage
B. Cucumber
C. Radish
D. Potato
Answer : B
a. Gautam
b. Sabitri
c. Saurya
d. Rampur composite
Answer : B
Sabitri is a rice variety grown in a large part of the rainfed areas of Nepal. It was originally developed for irrigated condition.a. 1
b. 5
c. Karnali
d. Gandaaki
Answer : C
The Provincial Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Co-operatives (MoLMAC), for example, has recently declared the entire Karnali Province as an organic province. FAO Nepal is also supporting GON's efforts of promoting organic agriculture in the country.a. Jersey
b. Hampsire
c. Sakini
d. Murrah
Answer : D
The Murrah buffalo is a breed of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) mainly kept for milk production.a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8
Answer : B
n(A∪B)=n(A)+n(B)−n(A∩B)−−−−−−−(1)Given n(A)=7
Substituting in 1
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