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Prime Minister Agriculture Modernisation Project (PMAMP) (प्रधानमंन्त्री कृषि आधुनीकीकरण परियोजना)

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With a view to making the country self-reliant in agriculture production, the much talked ‘Prime Minister Agriculture Modernisation Project (PMAMP)’ was implemented from
2072 B.S. The project had proposed 2,100 pockets, 150 blocks, 30 zones and 7 super zones across the country in the first year. Around 10 hectares of land are required for one pocket, 100 hectares for a block, 500 hectares for a zone and 1,000 hectares for a super zone. The ministry has a target of running the project for the next 10 years, under which the ministry will expand the blocks, zones and super zone gradually every year for the next 10 years aimed at promoting the agriculture sector.The ministry is to develop 21 super zones across the country by the end of the project period. The project will run with government resources, where the government will actively coordinate and cooperate with the private and cooperative sector to implement the project effectively. The new budget has proposed implementing the PMAMP from the year 2072 B.S. with an allocation of Rs 5.78 billion.
The government has introduced the project with a clear and specific roadmap for increasing agriculture production and productivity to make the country self-reliant in agriculture production and livestock within a decade.With the implementation of this project, the country will be self-reliant in rice and potato in two years, in maize and wheat in three years, in fish and vegetables in two years and in fruits in seven years. The project had plans to establish at least one agriculture college in each of the provinces by the end of the project.
PMAMP had stepped up its preparation during the tenure of Minister, Gauri Shankar Chaudhary for agriculture. The government has implemented NRs.130 billion for PMAMP which envisages adopting modern farm techniques to boost productivity and making the country self reliant in food.
The government has come up with certain interventions in agriculture sector, as the import of agriculture products started to rise consistently despite the country’s tremendous potential in agriculture sector.
नेपालको कुल खेतीयोग्य जमिन ३० लाख ९१ हजार हे रहेको छ । राष्ट्रिय कृषि गणना २०६८ अनुसार नेपालको कृषि जमिनको औषत आकार ०.६८ हेक्टर र प्रति कित्ताको औषत आकार ०.२१ हे. रहेको छ। खण्डिकृत जमिनमा परम्परागत रुपमा निर्वाहमुखी खेती प्रणालीको अवलम्बन गरिदै आएको र कृषि विकासका लागि भएका सरकारी प्रयासहरु सिमित स्रोत र साधनहरुका कारण एकीकृत रुपमा नभई छरिएर जाने गरेकाले प्रतिफलमुखी हुन सकेका छैन। कृषिलाई नाफामूलक व्यवसायका रुपमा स्थापित गर्न नसक्दा यस क्षेत्रमा लगानीका लागि निजि क्षेत्र र रोजगारीका लागि युवा उद्यमीहरु आकर्षित हुन सकेको छैन। गुणस्तरीय कृषि उत्पादन सामग्रीहरुको उपलब्धता सुनिश्चित गर्न नसक्नु, कृषि उपज उत्पादनमा यान्त्रिकरण अवलम्वन हुन नसक्नु र कृषि विकासका लागि आवश्यक सिंचाई, कृषि सडक, ग्रामिण विद्युतिकरण, कृषि उद्योगहरुसंगको समन्वयको अभाव रहदै आएको तथा बजारमुखी उत्पादन हुन नसकेकाले कृषिलाई व्यवसायका रुपमा नभई परम्पराका रुपमा मात्र अवलम्बन गरिदै आइएको छ।
यिनै पृष्ठभूमिलाई मध्यनजर गर्दै कृषि क्षेत्रको उत्पादन र उत्पादकत्व वृद्धि गर्ने स्पष्ट मार्गचित्रका साथ कृषि उपजको उत्पादनका लागि आबश्यक प्रविधि तथा उत्पादन सामाग्रीको ब्यवस्था, बाली/बस्तु उत्पादनमा यान्त्रिकरण, प्रशोधन तथा बजारीकरणको लागि आबश्यक पूर्वाधारको ब्यवस्था जस्ता प्रधानमन्त्री कृषि आधुनिकिकरण परियोजनाका कृयाकलाप मार्फत कृषि क्षेत्रको आधुनिकिकरणको परिकल्पना गरिएको छ।
                                         Super zones and Zones
Super Zones and Zones in Map of Nepal:-
 As per the Project plan, the government creats 2100 Pocket areas of 10 Hectares each, 150 Blocks of 100 hectares each, 30 Zones of 500 Hectares each and 7 Super zones 0f 1000 hectare each for the first year and the number of Super zones will increase in coming years. Now, there are  all total 10 Super zones, 3 Super zones (Dadeldhura, Sindhuli, Dhanusa) were recently added.
In the first year, the ministry planned to spend Rs. 1.78 billion to adopt modern farming techniques.The Ministry had completed working guidelines for implementing the projects. The guidelines have been proved by the National Planning Commision and Finance Ministry. The plan envisages making the country self reliant in agricultural products by promoting mechanization technology with proper and efficient use of seeds and fertilizers to increase productivity.
Under the Super zones, Jhapa is promoted for Paddy, Bara and Dhanusa for Fish, Kaski for Vegetables, Kavrepalanchowk and Dadeldhura for  Potato, Dang for Maize, Jumla for Apple, Kailali for Wheat, Sindhuli for Orange(Junar).
The government is implementing the project under a private co-operative group partnership. The government has aimed at acheving self sufficiency in Wheat and Vegetables by first fiscal year, in Paddy and Potato in 2 years, in Maize and Fish in 3 years, in fruits like Banana, Papaya and Litchi in 4 years. At the end of this project, the country will become self sufficient in fruits like Kiwi, Apple.
The pocket areas are getting subsidies on fertilizers and irrigation besides technical support. Easy availabilty of seeds and saplings is ensured. The MoAD is the implementing body for the ‘Prime Minister Agricultural Modernisation Project’, which has envisioned addressing the supply-side constraints and taming inflation caused by spike in food prices. The fiscal budget has allocated Rs 5.78 billion for the project. The project has been designed for next 10 years to make the country self-reliant on agricultural products.
The government, through the implementation of the PMAMP project, expects to generate output worth Rs 30 billion in the gross domestic product in the next fiscal. The government has announced 85 percent cash grant to purchase agriculture inputs for farms located in special pocket areas, blocks, zones and super zones that run specialised programmes and similar amount for collection centres of agriculture products, warehouse,  community seed banks, post-harvest centres and training centres.The government has also announced the services will be provided through 15 mobile laboratories in the specialised agriculture production areas.
Similarly, the budget has announced 50 percent cash grant for establishment of processing centres, warehouses, agriculture marts and cold storage facilities.
A Central Management Unit (CMU) which is responsible for the implementation of the Project’s Programmes has been set up in Harihar Bhawan, Lalitpur. The 30 strong CMU is led by Joint Secretary Achyut Dhakala, as project director
Via The Himalayan Times, Kathmandu, June 16-
Minister for Agricultural Development, ‘Haribol Prasad Gajurel’ has expressed doubt about smooth implementation of ‘Prime Minister Agricultural Modernisation Project’ announced through fiscal budget 2016-17 as the budget has failed to encourage farmers. The budget has excluded the ‘Pension for Farmers Programme’ that had been proposed by the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD) to attract more youths in agricultural production, as per the minister. “Pension for farmers and productivity enhancement programme are integral to each other — and one cannot work well while the other is lacking.” The fiscal budget has allocated Rs 5.78 billion for the project. The project has been designed for next 10 years to make the country self-reliant on agricultural products.
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